Fast Track

Bridging the gaps in innovation to accelerate progress

The Fast Track is our plan for the government to expedite the discovery and development of breakthrough clean energy technologies. It would be a major upgrade to the US government’s innovation engine.

Our vision is to:

  • Close gaps at DOE and bridge valleys of death for clean technologies.
  • Provide increased flexibility and access to federal support.
  • Nurture technological and commercial progress.

Governments play a huge role in helping startups move through valleys of death that often prevent many promising ideas from becoming real-world solutions. Thanks to recent investments, the Department of Energy (DOE) has more resources than ever to support late-stage energy innovations. We can make some common-sense changes to fully capitalize on this progress by improving DOE’s ability to move early-stage innovative ideas towards commercial demonstrations.

What is Fast Track?

Fast Track is a proposed DOE program designed to bridge gaps and accelerate progress. Here’s what that means:

  • Fast Track aims to bridge gaps that exist in the patchwork of funding. This means redefining the types of innovations that can access support and ensure that support is available through all stages of development.
  • Fast Track aims to accelerate the progress of startups and innovators seeking support. This is about making sure the government uses new and existing tools to quickly and responsibly move startups and innovators into the program and towards commercialization.

Fueling Climate Solutions

While Fast Track is a bold plan, it’s also within reach for DOE to build something this transformative. There’s already so much momentum at the agency today, and Fast Track would take it to the next level. We need to dramatically pick up the pace, and having DOE provide end-to-end innovation support will be a gamechanger for commercializing the climate solutions we need.

Explore our Fast Track newsroom and full proposal below!