
Breakthrough Energy Catalyst Welcomes New Private Sector and Philanthropic Partners

Breakthrough Energy Catalyst Welcomes New Private Sector and Philanthropic Partners

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Category: Catalyst

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Six months ago, Breakthrough Energy launched Catalyst, a first-of-its-kind financial model bringing public and private sectors together to move the most promising climate technologies – including direct air capture, clean hydrogen, long-duration energy storage, and sustainable aviation fuel – to global commercial scale, fast.

Today, Breakthrough Energy has welcomed two new anchor partners, Builders Vision, and HSBC, as well as a planned partnership with BMO Financial Group as a scaling partner. These organizations join the community of leading companies that are committed to accelerating the technologies that will become the foundation of our global net-zero economy.

To reach net zero, we need to reduce the cost of clean technologies so they can be deployed at scale and become more affordable and accessible for all. The only way to achieve this is through deep collaboration across public and private sectors—no country, company, or individual can halt the progress of climate change alone.

Bill Gates
Founder, Breakthrough Energy

“We’re excited by the opportunity to be the first Canadian company to join Breakthrough Energy Catalyst, whose mandate strongly aligns with BMO’s Purpose to Boldly Grow the Good in business and life, and our commitment to mobilizing capital for a sustainable future,” said Darryl White, CEO, BMO Financial Group. “We look forward to applying our extensive project finance and energy transition expertise to the acceleration of climate innovation critical to helping the economy, and our clients, make progress in the transition to a net-zero world.”

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“We have one planet to live on and we must learn to live here responsibly with the finite resources that we have,” said Lukas Walton, Builders Vision Founder and CEO. “Builders Vision is proud to be a part of the Catalyst community with its mission to accelerate cutting-edge climate technologies toward full-scaled deployment. This challenge is going to take all of us working together if we are to reach net zero by 2050. We must collectively leverage the power of public, private, philanthropic and financial sectors, taking risks on new technology, scaling existing solutions faster, and involving the communities impacted most. There is simply no time to waste.”

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“A small number of green technologies will reshape the industrial landscape of the world over the next 5 to 10 years. I am grateful for the opportunity for HSBC to be part of Breakthrough Energy Catalyst to accelerate their development and make them scalable,” said Noel Quinn, Group CEO, plc of HSBC. “I genuinely believe this groundbreaking partnership can help bring these much-needed clean solutions to market and build a more sustainable world.”

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“We are thrilled to welcome these organizations to our growing Breakthrough Energy Catalyst community,” said Jonah Goldman, Managing Director of Breakthrough Energy. “The products and industries we hope to scale through Catalyst require a truly global effort. Our new partners help accomplish that with HSBC’s deep knowledge of the Asia Pacific market and BMO’s experience in the North American market. We are also grateful to partner with Builders Vision and its innovative approach to using philanthropic resources to create the market environment for zero carbon solutions to flourish.”


Founded by Bill Gates, Breakthrough Energy is focused on developing and deploying the critical climate solutions our world needs to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

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