Breakthrough Energy Fellows Workshops

Breakthrough Energy focuses on discovering, developing, and deploying technologies that have the potential to reduce carbon emissions, at scale, by at least 500 million tons per year. At the discovery stage, we try to identify great ideas long before they are associated with a company, founder, or even a catchy name – and long before they have attracted serious funding.

Our newest piece of work at the Discovery stage are Workshops. Workshops convene technical experts and industry practitioners to discuss critical, often overlooked areas of scientific discovery that could lead to both scientific and commercial breakthroughs.

The workshops include technical and application focused presentations, facilitated breakout groups, and networking opportunities with the overarching goal of identifying disruptive, commercially relevant R&D pathways. Participants have the opportunity to discuss progress, identify challenges, meet with stakeholders, pitch new research ideas for funding, and share experience in the field.

To date, Breakthrough Energy has held the following workshops:

  • Metal Hydrides
  • Superconductors

Breakthrough Energy will continue to convene Workshops on a wide variety of technical topics. Participation is by invitation only. If you would like to be considered for participation in a future event, please send your CV to [email protected].