Breakthrough Energy Catalyst EU Project Portfolio

Accelerating the Deployment of Emerging Climate Technologies in the EU

By mobilising up to €840m in funding, the aim of the EU-Catalyst Partnership is to accelerate deployment of emerging climate technologies that have high potential for impact, emissions abatement, and cost-down trajectory.

Below are the projects with committed funding from the Partnership:

Project: Energy Dome Ottana Project
Location: Sardinia, Italy
Capacity: 20MW / 200 MWh
Target Operations: Q3 2024

The project is being developed by Energy Dome, a leading long duration energy storage technology company based in Italy. The project will use Energy Dome’s standard frame 20MW / 200MWh CO2 Battery capable of delivering energy to the grid for 10 consecutive hours. The system will provide energy storage and grid services, with robust performance (high round-trip efficiency) and capex requirements that are more competitive than lithium-ion for utility-scale long duration energy storage.

To support this project and Energy Dome, Breakthrough Energy Catalyst and the European Investment Bank have committed a total of ~€60m in the form of grant and venture debt under the EU-Catalyst Partnership.

Illustrative Project Criteria

Team Capabilities
Senior construction and project development leads in place
Demo proves out critical system components and integration 
(TRL 5-7)
Up to 6-9 months away from being able to start construction from signing
Self-built or one-off EPC plan; sufficient internal resources to manage construction
Feedstock Supply
Reliable access to feedstock and electricity supply (limited project-on-project risk)
Offtake Contracts
Commercial contracts that have the ability to cover OPEX for the lifetime of the demonstration
Team Capabilities
Fully built-out development and construction team
Leverage pilots, demos and/or proven technology to deploy commercial-scale facility (TRL 6-8)
At signing, no more than 9-12 months away from start of construction
Well-defined EPC structure with reputable and capable contractors
Feedstock Supply
Long-term contracts for feedstock that match or exceed the tenor of the offtake contracts
Offtake Contracts
Robust commercial strategy with pathway to 50% contracted volumes with offtake contracts of 10+ years
Demonstration FOAK
Team Capabilities Senior construction and project development leads in place
Fully built-out development and construction team
Technology Demo proves out critical system components and integration 
(TRL 5-7)
Leverage pilots, demos and/or proven technology to deploy commercial-scale facility (TRL 6-8)
Maturity Up to 6-9 months away from being able to start construction from signing
At signing, no more than 9-12 months away from start of construction
Execution Self-built or one-off EPC plan; sufficient internal resources to manage construction
Well-defined EPC structure with reputable and capable contractors
Feedstock Supply Reliable access to feedstock and electricity supply (limited project-on-project risk)
Long-term contracts for feedstock that match or exceed the tenor of the offtake contracts
Offtake Contracts Commercial contracts that have the ability to cover OPEX for the lifetime of the demonstration
Robust commercial strategy with pathway to 50% contracted volumes with offtake contracts of 10+ years